Multiplication and Division will convert the displayed value to a percent in decimal form and complete the operation when you press.Please Contact Me if you have any suggestions. Number Keypad Control: You can use the calculator with with most Number Pads and Keyboards in the most popular browsers for numbers, clear, and the basic functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and delete/backspace. This method can be arduous however, since you must tab through all keys in sequence. Keyboard Control: You can use the calculator without a mouse by tabbing among the calculator keys. Text Size: In some browsers, such as Chrome desktop, you can change the text size in your browser settings and the size of the calculator, text and buttons will get larger or smaller proportionately. The size of the calculator, text and buttons changes proportionately. Touch Screen Zoom: Increase the size of the calculator on your touch screen by zooming with your fingers. Zoom: Increase the size of the calculator in your browser using your browser's zoom feature. % = Percent: use displayed value to calculate a percentage.R0 = Round to 0 decimals: round off the current display value to 0 decimal places.R2 = Round to 2 decimals: round the current display value to 2 decimal places such as in money or currency format.x² = Square: square the displayed value and display it.π = pi: display the value of π as 3.141592654 to use in a calculation.

+/- = Plus/Minus: change the sign of the displayed value from positive to negative or vice versa.√x = Square Root: take the square root of the displayed value and display it.AC = All Clear: clear all and start a new operation.CE = Clear Entry: clear current display value, changes to AC.mr = Memory Recall: display the memory value.m- = Memory Minus: subtract displayed value from memory.m+ = Memory Plus: add displayed value to memory.mc = Memory Clear: clear calculator memory.This basic calculator has decimal precision up to 10 digits and offers these functions: Like most 4-function calculators it also includes keys for percent, square, square root and pi. This basic online calculator is similar to a small handheld calculator and has the standard four functions for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.